You’re working hard, hitting every target, going above and beyond, exceeding expectations… so there’s probably a raise coming your way soon, right? Well, not always.
Even if you’re killing it at work and even if your boss acknowledges your accomplishments, it doesn’t always mean he/she is going to give you a raise on their own. If you think you deserve it, you have to ask for it! And here’s how you can prepare yourself for that all-important conversation so that you can finally be paid what you’re worth.

1. Patience, Patience, Patience
Yes, you need to be proactive about asking for a raise, but expecting one every time you do great at work just isn’t realistic. After all, you don’t want your boss to think you’re being greedy. Here’s a good way to determine if the time is right to have that meeting: if it has been a year or more since you either joined the company or since you were last promoted, go for it!
2. Be Your Own Advocate
Asking for a raise isn’t just saying “can I have more money?”, it means persuading your boss that you deserve one. If your company doesn’t have an annual review system in place, make it a point to request one with your supervisor. This would be your opportunity to review all your accomplishments over the year and convince them to give you that promotion.
Keep in mind that such accomplishments aren’t just about hitting deadlines or simply doing your job, it needs to be something where you made a real impact, affected a positive change, or went beyond the call-of-duty. In most cases, your manager will have to then present your case to an HR for approval, so make it easy for them!

3. Accept Feedback
Being confident about your work and abilities is key in securing that salary raise, but it’s also important to ask for feedback. After all, no one is perfect and employers appreciate an employee who is willing to accept constructive criticism. It shows them that you are serious about improving the quality of work further and that’s one of the most important assets of any company.
4. Propose a Number
Do your research before setting up that meeting to discuss a raise. Ask senior employees that you’re close with or mentors how much they earned when they were in your position, check online about what the industry standards are for someone with your experience, etc.
Going in without a number in mind can end up in two ways: making you look too greedy by requesting too much or getting a raise, but not as much as you deserve. It can either be a dollar amount or a percentage of increase. When making your case, make it clear that you’ve done your research.

5. Leave Your Personal Life Out of It
All of us have personal lives that depend on the amount of income we bring in. You may need extra money to pay rent or due to some life milestones like getting married or becoming a parent, but here’s the thing: your boss doesn’t care! Raises are given on the basis of merit and not a personal requirement. So, keep it professional and discuss only work-related items during an appraisal meeting.
6. Be Courteous
You’ve worked hard, you’ve done your research, and you’ve had the meeting with your boss. Regardless of if they accept or refuse your stance, make sure to be courteous. Of course, you may feel disappointed, but instead of expressing that, ask your boss if you can have a follow-up appraisal in another six months instead of a year.
And don’t forget to thank them for their time, since they are also quite busy and reviewing your case may take up their precious hours. Your attitude will determine how much value the company places on you, which makes a future raise much more possible.